Sunday, July 15, 2007

Learning Autorotation

I learn it like this...

1) DO NOT USE THROTTLE CUT/HOLD HIGH IN THE SKY AT THE VERY FIRST TIME. You cannot manage that. THe first thing is to FEEL how good the heli float at a certain headspeed. So start at 1 foot hovering above ground. Flip the throttle hold, and FEEL how it float. Then increase the height to 3,5,7, 10 foot , until you get some confidence and the pitch movement. Also make sure your pitch curve is consistent in hovering mode and throttle hold mode.

2) Then feel the drop down speed. In normal mode (with negative pitch set to -4 to -6), fly the heli high up, then lower the pitch/ throttle stick down steadily (but not killing the motor.) Make sure you DO NOT set the ESC to VERY SOFT START as the motor cannot spool up fast enough (for a rescue) in case a total shut down. Practise it and see how fast the heli drop and LISTEN to the rotor gaining head speed . Do not land the heli yet. Throttle up again at around 20 foot high. This is to train you FEEL of dropping velocity.

Repeat and decrease the throttle up altitude.

3) Finally, you can land your heli , still in normal mode. Bit by bit, lower the altitude. When you get confidence, you can practise flipping throttle hold when the heli is 1 foot above ground , then 3 foot, 5.....until you can flip it high in the sky.

N.B. remember flip the throttle hold switch BACK may cause the heli to piro like hell because the tail rotor speed is not high enough to counter the main blade rotor torque.