The retract is a good design with one servo driving 3 landing gears. The steering servo is next to it. First tested with Haoye 70mm EDF. I intended to use 3s/11.1V and found it drew 18A only , but the thrust is too small , only 330g. Inside fuselage the thrust drop to 240g.
The world model 70mm EDF/ 3600kv. It is designed for 3s/ 11.1V and gives 440g thrust @ 20A only. It is well balanced and with the fan mounted on the outrunner bell. I cannot find a way to open up the outrunner.
This bird is bigger than the Freewing F35 (no landing gear version). Length: 855mm - Wingspan: 602mm - Wing Area: 74.6 dm
I use elevon (Delta mixing) This reduce 2 servos and flies no difference compared with aileron.
Flying weight 550g including 1500mAH 3s lipo. This is unbelievable for this size bird with retract landing gear. I prefer using 2200mAh for this bird. It looks more scale like than the freewing F35.