Quite scale looking twin 55mm EDF . The kit come with 2 tiny 55mm EDF. Since I got lots of 64mm EDF, I drop in 2 and they are right fit and with correct C.G.
The front battery compartment can house 3s 2200mAh lipo. I plan to go for 4s for fasting scale like flying.
With 3s and Jpower EDF, the thrust is 650g @ 36A, good efficency of >1.6g / W
All flying weight is around 750g.
I plan to put a 4s lipo and current will be 56A, with thrust over 950g. For cheap 20c labled lipo, I'll limit the throttle to around 40A max.
Maiden is a sort of perfect. She flies great with absolutely no tendency to stall, as what front sweep wing should behave. .....