Twin 109 with wingspan 1.2m. Setting : CC/CW 7030 prop. Slightly underpower with total current ~20A @3s. The Emax motor has QC problem as you can hardly get any same kv motor, despite the label is the same. My first pair was found to have significant different current drawn (12A vs 22A). End up by purchasing another Emax. Lucky enough the kv is now matched with current drawn 12A vs 10A.
The C.G. with 2200mAh 3s Lipo can only be met by installing the BL outside the motor mount. The stock landing gear is quite soft. Will soon install retractable gear soon. It looks extremely scale in the sky. Since it is slight underpower with a low kv BL (1000kv),>
Flying character is quite different from other WWII fighter. In strong crosswind laning, the rudder can help very much as the aileron is not too sensitive, as the center of mass is far from center.