Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy Easter- unlimited flying everyday

2 incidents result in emergency landing.

This is the second time my rafale suddenly cut out power. Last time results in belly landing without damage. Not having investigate the cause, she was put on air again. While doing a low level inverted flight, the cut in happens again. Luckily, she can be recovered from an inverted roll at 3 feet height and land safely.
The root cause is the Hoffman Magnetic ends its life, despite she was kept at 70A @4s. Luckily my cheap 120A ESC does not burnt and the on board BEC does not lock out.

My F35 somehow sqeak midair after a "pop".
Opening the housing and reveal a 3mm screw was somehow suck into the EDF ?? Where does it come from, after 2 mins flight??