There are 3 hex nuts on the engine side mount. Two above and 1 at the bottom. You need long socket to loosen it as seen here the center pin is long.
A long hex socket extender > 12 inches will make life easier.
This is the second most difficult nut to be removed. I need two socket extender ( total length of 15 inches) to reach the chasis mount at the back. The regridgerant lines will obstruct you access.
You can see the hex nut at the back of the chasis engine mount.
This is the most difficult hex nut to be removed because the difficult access. Taking away the Relay mount/ bracket, I still cannot reach it with wrench or hex socket from above. The belt and pulley is obstructing all movement here. Finally, it took me 30 mins just to loosen this nut. I have to jack up the car (not engine) and insert the long long hex socket from below.
The Relay box/ bracket needs to be loosened in order to reach the front chasis engine mount nut.
The engine mount can be removed now. You need to lift the water reservior out.
The damaged engine mount with the center strut completelt torn apart from the rubber mount. The central strut kicking around and create clunking that is very obvious in the passenger compartment, whenever over bumppy road.