Maiden is an unexpected disaster. Overloaded with heavy 2200mAh lipo, it rolls suddenly to right, that downwind nose high, stall and crash. Lucky enough, just 1 foot away from the sea. Otherwise, all eelctronics will vanish ....
Repair job takes 1hour ... up to the sky next week .
Maiden successful after readjust CG to 1cm forward of factory recommendation. It measured 9cm from leading edge (measure from frontmost of wing , not joint).
Successful maiden ! Speed is fast, though not to the extend of FMS F35. Cause this EF2000 is much larger !
First Take off is a bit difficult bevause the stock front landing gear is too long!
In flight with canard, the pitch control is more responsive .
Landing is not too satisfactory as the front landing gear is too backward and are too long. I will see if I can move the front landing gear more forward and make them shorter. 2mm wire is too flimsy for this big bird.
A firend of mine got this F117. Very detail molding. Great looking stealth plane. The elevator needs a large travel as the swept control surface generate smaller lever force.
Again, J-power make a superb EDF warplane. This F4N is even easier to installed then my AMX. Even the tai elevator is pre-installed. However, the factory left the front wheel steering installation for you.
I found the rear landing gear is designed too far back from the C.G. Therefore, I reversed the gear base mount to make it lies closer to the C.G. to make take off easier.
The tail horizontal fin is a bit thin/weak if one intended for a decent fast EDF. I will definitely strengthen the elevator if it can fly fast.
This is the first time I can see pin hinges are used in a small EDF . This reduce the load on the servo and is slop free.
There are 4 magnets for the canopy latch. I think that is too much and I relocate 2 magents to the rear ESC compartment latch.
Exit nozzle diameter = 3.7cm. Two exit nozzle area = 21.5 mm sq Intake duct diameter = 64mm. Fan Sweep Area= 26.85 mm sq Exit Area = Exactly 80% of FSA (Good factory design !)